For us, a doctor's office means a home office.
Become a telemedicine specialist and enjoy much more freedom.
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For us, closing time means closing time.
Become a telemedicine specialist and enjoy much more freedom.
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60 % means 60 %.
Become a telemedicine specialist and enjoy much more freedom.
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Your daily work with us

Forget about overtime

Swap the stressful daily routine of a clinic or practice for a home office and increase your quality of life. Having reliable working hours and more spare time reduces your workload and allows you more time for family and leisure.

Flexibility and individual possibilities

With us, you can still be there for your patients while you’re at home. This means that you can treat patients efficiently without waiting times. Take advantage of the benefits of telemedicine and become a doctor with alloMed!

Diverse team

Doctors from a wide range of specialties work at alloMed. Break new ground in medicine with us — you’ll benefit from our exciting professional exchange and self-organized teams.

Part-time work without career setbacks

At alloMed, part-time work is possible in all specialties. You can choose your own working hours and vacations, as well as engaging in professional development without a guilty conscience.

Become a telemedicine specialist at alloMed and enjoy real

Apply now for a position with us.

Application process

How to become a telemedicine specialist at alloMed


Apply now

With the "Apply Now" button on this page, you’ll be taken to a form where you provide your last and first name, and confirm that you are a physician with clinical experience and very good general medical knowledge.


Confirmation email

You’ll receive an email from us immediately. By replying to this email, you demonstrate that you’re seriously interested in becoming a alloMed doctor. After we have received your confirmation email, we’ll contact you personally.



If there is mutual interest, we will invite you to an initial interview. If we agree that you would fit into our team, the usual alloMed administrative hiring process will follow.


Welcome to the team!

Now you’re part of our competent and diverse team of doctors. We look forward to meeting you!

Become a (specialist) doctor with alloMed

Apply now for a position with us.

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