UBIC Telemedicine
Telemedicine Everywhere!
Assisted Telemedicine Centers (CTA)
Find the CTA around you
Serenity while travelling
Stay connected with a doctor in Switzerland
Find a specialist doctor near you!
A specialist available for an appointment
Stay in touch with your doctor!
Follow the important steps for your baby's health.
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Medipole or alloMed ?

alloMed is an application designed and created by doctors, medical centers and patients. This application is intended to be innovative and efficient thanks to studies carried out with doctors and patients.

Medipole has developed this application for assisted telemedicine (ATC) centers because some patients need to be assisted during a teleconsultation by health professionals. You can choose the CTA near you in the alloMed app.

UBIC Telemedicine

Consult a doctor online with or without appointment

From your work or home, consult a doctor with or without an appointment. Thanks to this you will save time.

Assisted Telemedicine Center (ATC)

Consult a doctor in a dedicated center

Visit an assisted teleconsultation centre for an online appointment attended by a health professional.


Find a specialist available near you

Find a specialist near you thanks to our medical specialists available for a quick appointment.

Emergency telemedicine

Immediate medical teleconsultation with an available doctor

In the event of a non-life-threatening emergency, consult a doctor available online.

Travel Telemedicine

Medical teleconsultation from abroad

If necessary you can benefit from a teleconsultation.

Doctor in your language

Find a doctor who speaks your language

Our platform allows you to choose a doctor according to his language.


Telemedicine to facilitate access to care is a real solution for access to care in many situations: for people with mobility problems related to age, disability or illness, for people living in medical deserts, but also in the event of an epidemic as we have experienced with covid-19.

Telemedicine has developed rapidly following Covid 19, which has completely disrupted the healthcare system worldwide and in Switzerland.

Daily health problems

Consult your doctor

Thanks to Allomed, choose a doctor online and consult from home.

Chronic Disease Monitoring

Consult your doctor

Thanks to Allomed you have a regular follow-up of your disease.

Serious health problems

Online medical follow-up

Follow-up by medical specialists to take advantage of early rapid diagnosis.

Health Services

Service de télémédecine par le biais de notre plate-forme alloMed et service de télémédecine assistée dirigé par la société Medipole SA 

General medicine

General medicine, family doctors

Medical emergencies

Simple medical emergency, which in no way replaces standard emergency services


Specialists for a first consultation or definitive treatment

Santé mentale

un service de psychologue et psichiatrie.

Service d'ophtalmologie

Un service comptant des médecins ophtalmologues

Reduced mobility

In order to save you travel, telemedicine plays a crucial role.

Service Pharmacie

Des services des médicaments livrés à domicile , surtout dans les endroits ou il n

Service de Radiologie

Les médecin peuvent délégues directement les patient vers les centres de radiologie partenaires.


Un service de laboratoire rapide et performant

La platforme alloMed.ch est la solution pour une bonne santé

Télémédecine : une réponse complémentaire efficace pour faciliter l'accès aux soins ?

L’allongement des délais d’attente pour consulter un médecin et la raréfaction des heures médicales disponibles sont autant de freins aujourd’hui à un accès fluide à l’offre de soins. La télémédecine – accessible à tous et remboursée par l’assurance maladie à compter contribuera à atténuer ces déséquilibres avec comme promesse d’améliorer l’accès aux soins des Suisses. 

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Rue Docteur Alfred-Vincent 16, 1201 Genève 

Montreux -Suisse

Chemin des terrasses 12, 1820 Montreux





+41 (0) 21 883 00 00


Contactez-nous: info@medipole.ch




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